Saturday, January 9, 1892



U. of V.-meet at Colburn’s hall, third Tuesday of each month. F. O. Willmarth, Captain; Albert Ulitsch, First Sergeant.

BAPTIST CHURCH-Mr. Henry, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a. m. Evening services at 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School 12 m.

ST. ANN’S CATHOLIC CHURCH-Rev. E. A. Goulet, Pastor. Services every other Sunday at 9 o’clock A. M.

METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH-Rev. Wm. Clark, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sabbath school at 12 M. Class meeting at 7 P. M.

GERMAN EVANGELICAL CHURCH-Rev. A. Schuester, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 A. M. Evening service at 7:30 P. M. Sabbath school at 9 A. M.

GERMAN EVANGELICAL ST. PAUL’S CHURCH-Rev. E. Rahn, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 A. M. Sabbath school at 9:30 A. M.

LOUNSBURY LODGE, No. 751,-meets a their hall the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. C. H. Austin, W. M.; A. Gleason, S. W.; C. H. Lines, J. W.; H. T. Abbott, Treas.; F. O. Willmarth, Sec.; L. A. Powers, S. D.; Albert Ulitsch, J. D.; Stewart Miller, T.

BARRINGTON POST, No. 275, G. A. R. Department of Ill.-meet every second Friday in the month, at Colburn’s Hall.  F. J. Buck, Commander; R. Purcell, S. V. C.; Fred Weisman, J. V. C.; L. Krahn, S.; Stewart Miller, Chaplain; A. Gleason, Q. M.; A. S.?Henderson, D.; C. G. Senn, O. G.
W. R. C., No. 85-meet the second and fourth Wednesday of each?month.  Mrs. R. Lombard, Pres. Miss R. Brockway, Sec.
M. W. A., No. 809-meet first and third Saturday of each month, at Lamey’s Hall.  D. A. Smith, V. C.; John Robertson, W. A.; C. H. Kendall, E. B.; C. H. Austin, Clerk; H.?K. Brockway, E.; Fred. Kirschner, W.; Wm. Antholtz, S.

Mr. J. O. Selleck is at home sick.

Died-In Livermore Cal., Dec. 26, 1891, Mrs. Esther Cockerton, a former resident of this place. Age 88 years.

Presiding Elder Haight preached at the M. E. Church last Sunday evening.

The Rev. Hilbish held his last meeting in this place Monday evening.

Nine persons joined the M. E. church on probation Sunday last.

Quarterly report of fourth quarter at M. E. Sunday-school: Grneral average of scholars 79; collections $14.40; expenses, $30.50; missionary collection, $7.63.

Mrs. W. A. Newman of Chicago visited her sister, Mrs. L. E. Runyan, Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. G. Alverson are the happy parents of a daughter.

Miss Nina Rogers is attending a college in Chicago.

Mrs. D. A. Smith and son Dudley spent New Year’s with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Crabtree.

Mr. A. E. Wool of Elgin is the guest of his uncle, Mr. Charles Wool.

Mrs. Frank Reed of Janesville visited at Mrs. C. M. Vermilva’s last week.

Mr. William G. Fountain of Chicago was the guest of Frank C. Bockious New Year’s.

Mr. and Mrs. William Grunan visited the former’s parents at Elgin the first part of this week.

Russell Hubbard called on friends here Wednesday.

Bert Peck, who is running a general store in Western Illinois, was here Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. P. B. Tuttle is dangerously sick.

The Village Board met in regular session Wednesday evening, Jan. 6, with President Clark in the chair. Trustees Sandman, Robertson, Lines, Abbott, and Hawley were present. A number of bills were allowed and ordered paid.

Miss Maude Otis returned to school Monday, after spending a week’s vacation at home.